This presentation presents a part of the overall model-to-execution solution mentioned in this morning by Dr. Jost. This presentation is given by Patrick Büch and Daniel Adelhardt, both of Software AG.
In their talk, they focus on the enterprise architecture part of an automation project. Here, services are used as components in the actual automation. According to Patrick, it is an important part of an automation project to not just focus on the transformation of the business process into a technical executable one, but along the services used must be carefully managed.
In their presentation, they walk through the different parts of service management with Software AG products. Here, ARIS Platform, CentraSite, and webMethods are integrated to provide a comprehensive solution. Patrick shows how to start service planning in ARIS. For example, services are identified based on business components. Business processes are annotated with the identified business services in ARIS. If such a process should be automated in a later step, the business services are pushed down from ARIS to CentraSite to inform developers that a certain technical service is needed in the future.
Daniel shows how such service requests are handled in CentraSite. Developers do not just get informed about a new request, but CentraSite governs the development lifecycle of such technical services. At the end when the service was implemented, this information is pushed back to ARIS to update the service architecture. The implementation itself is not happening in CentraSite, because CentraSite itself is a service registry, but not a development tool. Here, webMethods Designer comes into play. It provides the necessary tools to program and test a service.
The overall solution shown by Patrick and Daniel makes heavy use of interactive MashZone dashboards informing the involved stakeholders of the current state. This is according to both an important part of professional SOA portfolio management. SOA portfolio management is not hacking down code to have web services up and running, but align service development to business needs. The solution shown by Patrick and Daniel turns this ad-hoc hacking into an actively managed business process. This, of course, can be easily integrated with more general IT planning and enterprise architecture efforts.
I think this talk gave many details on this specific part of the model-to-execution solution. You can also read it up on ARIS Community in the sequel on this solution.
Note:Check this overview post to get all links to the other live posts from ProcessWorld 2011 in Berlin